Channel: Nibiru – Someones Bones
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Clinton Campaign Attacks SomeonesBones.com


Loyal readers may have noticed our two-week long sabbatical from publishing stories about Nibiru and other useful information found on this website. We apologize for the lack up updates—a dire situation emerged that required our prompt and immediate attention. Despite being a shoestring operation with limited resources, we acted quickly and decidedly to prevent our own extinction. On October 17th, we received a “cease and desist” order from the Clinton Campaign, authored by Huma Abedin and David Kendall, chief counsel to Hillary Clinton.

They alleged we had defamed Mrs. Clinton by publishing unproven stories detrimental to her character. They cited two specific examples, but rather than detail them in this memo, I’ve provided links to the articles in question, should anyone care to read them. Furthermore, they alleged that we were working in cohoots with President Putin to derail her chances of reaching the Oval office. Clearly, the order demanded we retract the stories, issue a public apology, and sign an affidavit guaranteeing that that we disappear from the internet, never to be seen again. They threatened us with legal action if we failed to comply.

We opted to stop publishing stories, while we conferred with our attorneys, of the esteemed New York law firm Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe. We provided them with all source material, sworn statements, and names of our confidential sources, with a guarantee that any sensitive information remains privileged.

Two weeks later, our lead attorney informed us that the Clinton campaign had no basis for legal action and that all threats on its behalf were meaningless. At that point, we resumed operations.

On a personal note, I am deeply troubled that Hillary Clinton tried to strike us down; Someonesbones.com is strictly bi-partisan in all political matters, though it has openly supported and endorsed Donald J. Trump for president, for he is the candidate who will dismantle the Nibiru cover-up.

Again, we apologize for this inconvenience, and hope our loyal readers, believers, skeptics, and noteworthy debunkers, stand beside us in solidarity against persons who threaten the 1st Amendment.

Below is a link to the stories mentioned above.

Hillary Clinton’s Future Military

Trump’s Debate Disaster Explained

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